Google and Docusign: a collaborative match made in heaven

Hands up who uses one or more of Google’s suite of productivity tools? If you haven’t raised your hand and you’re reading this on your Chrome browser, that’s one of them. Gmail, too.

According to Statista, G Suite has 56.97% of market share when it comes to the office productivity apps people use to power through their workdays. It’s no surprise, really – G Suite is simple, secure and easy-to-use.

Just like Docusign. Indeed, many would say a Docusign-G Suite collab is a match made in heaven.

As easy as adding an app

It’s incredibly easy to integrate Docusign with G Suite tools. There are apps for Google Drive, Gmail and Google Docs; there’s also a Google Chrome Extension so you can quickly and easily check up on the status of documents created in G Suite that are awaiting signature.

All these integrations are designed to help you do business faster, boost productivity and reduce your impact on the environment – by bringing Docusign’s powerful and popular eSignature platform into the tools you use every day. Once installed, you can easily generate agreements in Google Docs, tag and add signature fields using Docusign eSignature, send them out to be signed

In Gmail, with the Docusign app installed, you can send and sign directly from the email platform. Signed documents are then automatically attached to a new draft email ready for sending back to the person who initially sent the document. It’s all completely mobile-friendly, too – so people can sign stuff from wherever they are.

Here’s what one happy customer said about the Gmail integration: “I can sign and return an email attachment in less than 30 seconds without ever leaving Gmail. Hard to beat. Plus, we're another step closer to being a paperless company which is core to our brand identity. I seriously this recommend for all businesses, no matter how big or small.” (Desmond Croan, CEO Minty Fresh Digital)

Using Docusign to get offers out faster

Let’s look at an example of how the Docusign integration with Google creates a fast, easy, secure way to make agreements digital; and how organising, editing and sending the documents you work with every day becomes a simple, fluid process.

In HR, offer letters are the scourge of recruiters’ lives. Tedious to prepare, print, sign and manage, they go through numerous iterations – not to mention reams of paper – between ideation and final sign-off. Moving it all to Google Docs and Docusign transforms the process. The HR team can set up offer letter templates in Docs, easily add any supplementary documents or tailor the offer, specify signing orders and more … and then simply hit ‘send’.

Then, candidates can access and sign the offer letter from the comfort of the couch, accepting their dream job in just one click. Too easy.

The example can be extrapolated to all sorts of documents that are chasing a signature. Non-disclosure agreements. Lease agreements. Purchase orders. You name it.

Docusign and G Suite save you time

Google’s mandate with G Suite is to help businesses do their best work, seamlessly, from any device. We love this; and are proud to be able to support Google’s quest with the Docusign integration – which is also all about seamless experiences, time savings and productivity gains.

This customer sums it up beautifully. “For our staff, Docusign feels like it’s a natural part of G Suite. Intuitive design and advanced accessibility in Docusign reduce the time spent on routine contract paperwork by 78%, allowing us to work smarter within our team and with customers.” (Laurent Farci, Global CRM Lead, MightyHive)

Learn more about Docusign’s integrations with Google.

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