From the Trenches: Controlling Sign on Paper options via the API
Learn to control "wet signing" on your Docusign templates by using the eSignature REST API's Templates:update call to override account-level settings.

It is common for Docusign account administrators to disable certain options on the account to prevent specific actions from recipients, such as the Sign on Paper option.
However, the Sign on Paper option works in two places:
Account level
Template level
That means that you can disable the option globally on your account, but if a template was configured previously to have that option enabled, the template will continue to have that option working.
How can an account administrator disable that option without turning on the Sign on Paper globally and expose the option for all recipients?
The response is simple: the eSignature REST API.
Even when the Sign on Paper option is disabled on your account and you cannot see the option to turn it off on a template’s advanced settings in the UI, you still can configure the template’s settings via the API.
Configuring a template via Postman
Use the Templates:update endpoint and insert the following body:
"enableWetSign" = "false"
This code turns off the Sign on Paper option on the template level.
Configuring template options using the Node.js SDK
You can download the Node.js SDK from the Docusign Developer Center. Once you’ve got it installed and configured, use the Templates:update endpoint and use the following code:
const setWetSign = async () => {
let templateId = 'templateID'; //insert the Template ID you wish to alter the Sign on Paper.
const templateAPI = new docusign.TemplatesApi(dsApiClient);
const tempDef = new docusign.EnvelopeTemplate(); //creating the template definition
tempDef.enableWetSign = "true"; //enabling Sign on Paper
try {
const response = await templateAPI.update(accountID,templateId,{"envelopeTemplate": tempDef}) //API Templates:update method
} catch (error) {
This code turns on the Sign on Paper option on the template level.
Additional resources

Guilherme Flores is a Docusign Developer Support Engineer based in Brazil.
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