Start the year with a bang by investing in the best software

As we kick off the new year, take five minutes to take stock of your current software situation. Are you happy with how your systems have held up the last year? Have there been hiccups or issues, times when you’ve thought, “There must be a better way to do this.” 

Here are three great reasons why now is an awesome time to think about upgrading software or switching to new systems.

1. Make the switch before things ramp up

A big reason why people put off new software purchases? Setting up new systems can take a little time. And, most of the year, time is not on your side when you’re busy hitting sales targets. The end of the year is a little different (and Docusign's EOFY goes until Jan31!). It’s the perfect time to tick off more administrative tasks like this – you’ve got more breathing space to configure the new system exactly how you want it. 

2. You will hit the ground running in 2021

Picture this. Your team walks in the door in January full of new year enthusiasm and energy. They switch on their computers. Bing! A powerful new productivity tool welcomes them – full of promise about how their working life is suddenly going to get easier. Feeling motivated and refreshed, they complete training on the new tool in record time and are ready to hit the ground running with it into 2021. Easiest transition ever.

3. You could save with end of year deals

Black Friday may have come and gone, but that doesn’t mean there’s no room to negotiate with software vendors at end of year. They’ll be keen to hit their targets so if you’ve had your sights set on a new solution, now is the time to strike a bargain. Plus, if you’ve got some coin left in the kitty, now is the time to spend it – and even better, Docusign’s EOY runs right though to Jan 31. But don’t waste it on things you won’t need next year. Invest in tools that are going to deliver fast pay-back in the form of boosted productivity, time savings, reduced risk of error and more.

Question is, what software do you need most?

Sure, we’re a little biased. But we have to say it. If you’re still using paper to manage your business agreements and contracts, then the top tech priority that you need to address for 2021 is the digitisation of your agreement process. You don’t want to be one of the last businesses on the planet that still expects people to have to print out and sign documents, do you?

The Docusign System of Agreement Platform is an incredibly powerful yet super-easy tool to set up. Once it’s in place, you’ll be doing business faster, reducing costs and simplifying life for your customers, employees and partners. No pens or paper needed.

And the best bit? Docusign Professional Services can help you get the most out of your implementation so you are raring to go in the new year. Explore how Docusign Professional Services can help you uncover new opportunities, speed up deployments and support your team – and then get started with your end-of-year transition.

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