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DocuSign Click

Capture consent to standard terms with a single click

Lower costs and risk, while improving the customer experience

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A customisable clickwrap solution that's easy to use, simple to deploy

Docusign Click enables you to capture consent to agreement terms – like terms of service and privacy policies – with a single click of a tickbox or button. You can display the clickwrap in a seamless, embedded experience on your websites and apps or send it directly to your end users via a URL.

Features and benefits

  • Detailed audit trail

    Help ensure compliance and eliminate unnecessary legal risk with a complete audit trail.

  • Configurable display

    Customise display and acceptance options to meet your requirements.

  • Quick, easy deployment

    Streamline development and maintenance with auto-generated code snippets to embed in your website or apps.

Reduce time to agreement

With quick setup, a secure and reliable platform, and a configurable, intuitive interface, Docusign Click simplifies creating clickwrap agreements for customer acceptance in your website and apps.

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Docusign Click solution

  • Intuitive interface

    Easily configure the agreement layout, enforcement and recipient delivery to meet your needs.

  • Simple implementation

    Automatically generate a code snippet and embed in your customer site or mobile apps.

  • Easily auditable

    Click’s complete audit trail gives you confidence your clickwrap will hold up in a court of law.

  • Version control

    Easily manage changes or updates to existing clickwrap agreements, with visibility into who agreed to specific versions.

  • Click API

    Implement and manage your clickwrap agreements with our Click REST API that's easy to use and simple to deploy.

  • Manage centrally

    Track, store and manage completed clickwrap agreements in one place.

  • Multilingual support

    Docusign Click is available in a variety of languages.

Digital art of a website pop up that says "Terms of Service"

What is a clickwrap?

A clickwrap is an industry-accepted term that refers to a simple method for legally indicating consent to a set of terms such as terms of service and privacy policies by clicking "I agree" or similar process. Other use cases include account sign-ups and openings, software licences and downloads, product trials, checkout pages and registration pages.

Customer success stories

  • Driva logo

    Improved customer experience

    Find out how Driva reduced loan application time for hundreds of customers while increasing conversion rates and compliance.

    View Their Story
  • Metha Energia logo

    Increased customer acquisition

    Get an inside look at how Metha Energia streamlined customer onboarding and increased acquisition from 50% to 82%.

    View Their Story
  • OptionsSwing logo

    Reduced business risk

    Learn how OptionsSwing captured legally-binding consent to terms and conditions and increased its fee dispute win rate by 73%.

    View Their Story


Learn more about Docusign Click

  • Creating a Frictionless, Digital Experience with Clickwraps

    Learn how Narrative easily captures consent while maintaining a clear audit trail.

  • How Clickwrap Maturity Can Impact Business Performance and Mitigate Legal Risk

    Frost & Sullivan surveyed more than 300 decision-makers about their use of clickwrap solutions. See the results.

  • Clickwrap agreements: almost everything you need to know

    Learn everything you need to know about clickwrap agreements

Get started

Learn how Docusign can help make capturing acceptance to standard agreements simple.