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Tackling all your 2022 business goals in one swoop

Summary3 min read

Every business should have these 3 New Year’s resolutions in their sights. The good news? Docusign can solve them all in one fell swoop.

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As our loyal customers would know, we’re pretty passionate about sustainability here at Docusign. Saving the world’s forests has always been a top priority of ours, and we love helping other businesses achieve similarly sustainable, planet-friendly objectives. We love it even more when we help you tick off on not just your sustainability goals, but other workplace goals, too. 

Here are some of the biggest business resolutions you can address in one fell swoop, simply by switching to Docusign Agreement Cloud.

1. Implement more sustainable ways of working

Since 2003, Docusign has helped businesses around the world replace over 38 billion sheets of paper with digital processes – saving over 4 million trees, 18 billion litres of water, and over 100 million kilograms of waste in this time. 

Every business that makes the switch to Docusign is helping us grow this impressive tally, and you can, too. By reducing your reliance on paper and postage, you’re helping to reduce the carbon footprint in your business, a win for your ESG targets and for the planet.

2. Help your team become more productive

With talk of the ‘great resignation’ looming, it’s more important than ever to give your employees good reason to want to come to work. An easy way to do this is simply by making work more satisfying. 

No-one wants to get stuck doing repetitive, menial tasks. By automating mundane processes like preparing documents for signing, you can empower employees to focus on more rewarding activities. Docusign is guaranteed to elevate the employee experience and make your team feel more valued.

3. Save time and money

Who doesn’t want to start the new year with more time and money? With Docusign, you save on average $36 per agreement; as well as an 80% faster turnaround time on your contracts. And, if signed contracts means more revenue, then not only are you saving money by digitising but you’re also helping to bring in more money, faster.

Why the New Year is the ideal time to make the switch

Setting up new systems can take some time. So, while your customers and suppliers are all off on holidays and expecting you to be a little AWOL, why not take the time to set up Docusign? Docusign Professional Services is on-hand to help with your implementation so you can hit the ground running. 

Then, when your employees return in early January – full of refreshed energy and enthusiasm – they are motivated to complete training and start using the platform straight away. 

To learn more or to give it a test-drive, get in touch today.

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