Attend the Official Launch: The History of Innovation in 50 Agreements

Next week is Docusign Momentum London, the agreement cloud event of the year; and paradise for anyone whose fed up with gliding through their digital processes only to hit a manual contract wall.

Attend the History of Innovation launch at Momentum London

This year’s show includes something special. Docusign will be launching a collection of short stories on innovation put together over time, entitled: ‘The History of Innovation in 50 Agreements’. We are gifting a copy* to everyone who attends the 11.30am session, and making this collection generally available as an eBook at the same time.

We are fortunate to have an incredible panel of guest speakers join us on the day, to help us debate the agreements through time that fueled some of the world’s greatest innovations and resulted in a moment in history.

And, there are some eye-openers!

Without wishing to be a spoiler, one of my personal favourites from the collection is the development of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

As business professionals, we are conditioned to the concept of embedding intelligence in apps to an almost flippant degree. The AI story is a poignant reminder of its incredible power, which if misdirected could cause untold problems.

It recounts an early pledge signed by thousands of scientists effectively agreeing that AI should not be used for harmful purposes.

On our launch panel are:

Professor Leslie Hannah, LSE (London School of Economics)

Professor Hannah has been instrumental in the research of the book, as well as contributing a foreword to the historical agreements chapter. We look forward to walking through the evolution of agreements over time with him, and hearing about early innovations that shaped the world we live in today.

Greg Williams, Chief Editor of Wired UK

Greg has contributed a foreword to the book’s chapter on disruptive agreements. We look forward to his personal perspective on how agreements are getting smarter in the digital age, and where the world of innovation could take us in the future.

Simon Hurst, Barclays Bank

Barclays is renowned for innovation in the banking sector. Did you know, for example, that Barclays Connect was the UK’s very first debit card? Simon’s corporate loans team has upheld the tradition of pushing the boundaries of innovation, as you will learn by attending our morning keynote at 9.00am. In this session, we are looking forward to hearing Simon’s perspective on how companies can be successful at turning ideas into innovation.

Jamie Bothwell, Head of Marketing, Docusign EMEA

One of our own agreement cloud experts, Jamie has witnessed over years some of the incredible agreements made by Docusign customers, that have revolutionised the way we do business.

After hearing from our panel, we will be inviting our audience to join in with questions.

Mark this session on your calendar for an opportunity to browse these innovation stories with us, remember the moments that have brought us here, and participate in what promises to be a lively debate.

Haven't secured your spot for Momentum London yet? There's still time! Register now to avoid missing out. Note: spaces are limited to room capacity. We apologise in advance if we are unable to accommodate you, however we will endeavor to share content with you afterwards.

Docusign Momentum London

*Print copies of the book available to attendees of the launch have been produced using paper from environmentally responsible sources.
