Swedish Law Firm Uses eSignature to Get in Synch with Tech Sector

The “Customer Spotlight” series shines a light on the Docusign customers that are accelerating their businesses with eSignature.

Established in 2014, Synch Law’s use of eSignature is increasing its client base amongst large tech companies and pioneering start-ups. Synch Law's Head of Digital Services Magnus Sundqvist discusses how the Docusign for HighQ integration is giving it an edge over traditional law firms.

Magnus, can you provide a summary of Synch Law and your role in the business?

Synch Law is a relatively new law firm in Sweden. We are three years old and growing rapidly. Today, we have 50 staff and our target group is technology companies, digital businesses, and start-ups. We’re working with modern, fast-growing companies. We ourselves are trying to be as modern as possible, developing all the time.

This year, we opened offices in Oslo, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Silicon Valley. We are not an ordinary law firm with partners. We are more like a consulting firm, with four different business units instead of being organised into disciplines.

I’m head of the business unit called Digital Services, where we try to develop services for our clients and develop tools to deliver advice, such as collaboration tools, AI, and contract management. That’s where Docusign comes into our business model. We try to use eSignatures as much as possible. We love to work with eSignature as it helps us to be more efficient and modern.

What motivated you to implement an eSignature solution?

Before Docusign, we were using a local Swedish vendor, but we changed to Docusign for two reasons. Firstly, it’s integrated with HighQ, which we’re using for external solutions for our customers. Secondly, Docusign is more well-known, which is beneficial as we work with a lot of international clients. It’s also easier to use.

Can you tell us more about the HighQ integration?

HighQ has a lot of law firms as clients, but I think we were the first law firm to use the integration with eSignature. It makes life even easier for us. We have corporate housekeeping for clients and can send boardroom meetings and agreements directly from our storage system to clients and get them signed. We never have to email or upload them.

How has the solution benefited you at Synch Law?

There is an enormous difference. As a law firm, we have to send out engagement letters to sign, so all parties are agreed on the work we will do. We also have to do a lot of checks, like money laundering checks. All these processes are enormously faster and easier with eSignature. We can track if the client has signed and then store the signed document in the relevant client register. Otherwise, we’d be sending out paper. It’s impossible to compare.

It’s also easy to use Docusign. It takes new senders of documents ten minutes to get up and running, for example.

What’s next for Synch Law when it comes to digitisation?

Docusign is a key part of our company’s digitisation. We’re trying to make as many processes as possible digital and Docusign is one of the cornerstones of our strategy. We’re aiming to expand the use of it both internally and externally, to speed up document execution. We are also developing our own solutions. We are definitely the most digitised law firm in the Nordics.

What advice would you offer to other law firms considering eSignature?

Don’t be concerned. eSignature is easy, and your customers are expecting you to use it. A couple of years ago signing electronically was new to a lot of people but everyone now knows what it is. There’s no problem.

Thanks, Marcus!

If you're considering eSignature for your business, contact us to schedule a meeting.

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