Momentum 2018: It’s Time for Modern Systems of Agreement

Big news from Momentum 2018, Docusign’s annual customer conference. We announced an expanded company vision and new product innovations.

By Steve Krause, SVP Strategy and Product Marketing

There’s big news at Momentum 2018, Docusign’s annual customer conference that started yesterday. We announced an expanded company vision and new product innovations that deliver on that vision.

The expanded vision is to modernise the world’s Systems of Agreement: the technologies and processes companies use to prepare, sign, act on and manage agreements. This vision builds on the foundation of our leading e-signature technology, broadening the Docusign platform to automate and connect what happens before, during and after an e-signature is executed. So, if you like what we did with e-signature, you’ll love what we’re doing for the rest of the agreement process. To learn more, visit our System of Agreement Platform page, where you can download our new white paper and see customer videos from Salesforce, T-Mobile, and Blockparty.

Now let’s talk about the product innovations that are delivering on the System of Agreement vision.


Want to connect your System of Agreement to a blockchain? We announced an integration with the Ethereum blockchain. It allows evidence of a DocuSigned agreement to be automatically written to Ethereum. This lets you and your signers verify a document’s integrity using a neutral infrastructure, which no particular entity owns. For more on our approach to blockchain technology, see our website’s blockchain page.

AI for Search and Insights

What if you could use artificial intelligence to search and analyze across all your agreements? Seamlessly integrated with Docusign’s System of Agreement Platform, Intelligent Insights powered by Seal Software goes beyond keywords to “understand” concepts in agreement clauses, much as a human analyst would. For example, a clause about Internet cookies is about privacy, even if the word “privacy” is nowhere to be seen. The same technology can automatically classify and compare how different agreements handle various topics, so you can quickly spot anomalies, risks, and opportunities.

Responsive Signing

For signing on mobile devices, what if an agreement adapted itself to a smartphone’s small screen? We’ve all seen the opposite, where you need to pinch, scroll, and zoom to read a shrunken-down PDF on a phone. No more. A modern System of Agreement supports truly mobile-first experiences, and our new Responsive Signing feature delivers by automatically converting a PDF agreement into responsive HTML, on the fly. That means Responsive Signing adjusts the font size and layout for readability on any screen size and orientation. Compared to squinting at a shrunken PDF, the experience is a night-and-day difference.

Smart Sections

Take Responsive Signing to another level by defining collapsible sections, page breaks, custom formatting options, and more. Especially for longer and complex agreements, this additional structure and interactivity deliver a further enhanced experience.

Docusign for Salesforce CPQ Extension

Salesforce CPQ stands for “configure, price, quote.” Let’s add “sign” to that! Yes, we’ve extended our Salesforce integration specifically for CPQ. You can automatically populate agreements with CPQ data, then easily send with Docusign from within the CPQ application. The signed agreement automatically writes back to the relevant Salesforce record. And if a signer provided information during the signing process, such as a Purchase Order number, it also can automatically write back to Salesforce. That’s a lot of automation across multiple System of Agreement stages—which equates to faster turnaround time and more efficient use of people’s time.

Guided Forms

Is the information you need from your signer complex enough that sales or support reps need to walk the signers through it? Automate that experience with Guided Forms powered by Intelledox. It enables you to build an interactive, wizard-like experience that efficiently guides signers through whatever steps are necessary, then prepares personalized agreements in Docusign. Along the way, it can adapt the experience based on signers’ personal preferences, devices, and locations. The result is an agreement process that’s faster and less frustrating for signers, and far more cost-efficient for you. To learn more, check out the webpage.

Organisation Management

Are you an admin managing multiple Docusign accounts across different departments, brands, industries, subsidiaries, or even data centers? Your System of Agreement may have more complexity than the norm, but it doesn’t need to slow you down. We have new user-management capabilities and new centralised administrative tools that let you manage all your users and accounts at an organisational level, in one centralised interface, delivering ease of management at scale. The tools also let you download Docusign account-activity data across your organization, such as for auditing. So, even if your organisation’s use of Docusign accounts is complex, we are simplifying your administrative tasks.

Data Feed API

Want to analyse your Docusign data using your own Business Intelligence (BI) infrastructure? You can do it with the new Data Feed API within Organisation Management. It automates the movement of granular Docusign data—about envelopes, recipients, accounts, users, groups, templates, and more—into a BI repository. There you can join it to your other enterprise data and analyse it using your BI tool of choice. For those with advanced BI infrastructures, this option is a great addition to Docusign’s native reporting.

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