Making an Impact in the London Community with Our Friends at The Selby Trust

Yesterday, the Docusign London team had a fantastic IMPACT Day with our long-term partner – The Selby Trust. We have been connected with The Selby Trust for four years now – since the formation of Docusign IMPACT Day.

Yesterday, the Docusign London team had a fantastic IMPACT Day with our long-term partner – The Selby Trust. We have been connected with The Selby Trust for four years now – since the formation of Docusign IMPACT Day.

We had the opportunity to meet up with familiar faces (shout out Seema and Michael a.k.a. Mr Motivator) who were pleased to see the extended London team making a return. It's especially gratifying to see the benefits of the work Docusign and other organisations have contributed over the years.

Serving the community for 26 years

The Selby Trust was set up as a charity in 1992 by local people who recognised the need for a multi-purpose centre led by the community and third sector organisations. Since 1992, it has operated from the Selby Centre in Tottenham, which the Trust manages as a multi-purpose community and social enterprise centre.

The Centre is located in an area of high deprivation and brings together a rich mix of individuals and organisations, primarily from BME, refugee and other historically excluded communities in Tottenham, Haringey, North London and beyond. Almost 80% of Selby Trust funding is self-generated.

The Selby Trust was set up as a charity in 1992 by local people who recognised the need for a multi-purpose centre led by the community and third sector organisations.

Making an IMPACT with The Selby Trust

We divided into teams and were put to work. The first team spent the day painting external fencing and team two the Community Sports Hall, while the third team built the foundations of an external shelter. On behalf of Docusign, we also purchased much needed food supplies for the food bank at the Centre, which distributes food to local families in need. Some of us will be returning with our families before Christmas to deliver additional seasonal food and children’s presents to help brighten the holiday period for some families in need of additional support.

The first team spent the day painting external fencing and team two the Community Sports Hall, while the third team built the foundations of an external shelter.

It was great to see the results of our work at the end of the day, and an added bonus was the opportunity the day presented for us as a broader UK team to spend time together with those we don’t regularly get time to connect with. Lunch time was a great example, with DocuSigners from Business Development, SpringCM, IT Operations and Sales swapping notes on their various roles. One highlight I got insight to was how IT Operations work around the clock to ensure we have our 99.999% availability. Great conversations!

It was great to see the results of our work at the end of the day, and an added bonus was the opportunity the day presented for us as a broader UK team to spend time together with those we don’t regularly get time to connect with.

We all had a thoroughly enjoyable day and really appreciated having the opportunity to spend time supporting the Trust which is at the very heart of the local London community that it serves.

We all had a thoroughly enjoyable day and really appreciated having the opportunity to spend time supporting the Trust which is at the very heart of the local London community that it serves.

Thanks as always to our Office Manager Denise for helping to get us all organised and for maintaining our links and partnership with The Selby Centre! We hope the entire Docusign organisation had great IMPACT days around the globe! Visit the Docusign IMPACT page to learn more about how we're helping the local communities around the world.
