Live from Momentum: The Docusign Agreement Cloud –present and future products

Docusign Agreement Cloud

Better search capabilities, AI to help spot problem clauses in contracts, and making life easier for admins - these are just some of the enhancements coming or newly-arrived to the Docusign Agreement Cloud and showcased at Momentum London 2019.

This session on product roadmap was hosted by Jerome Levadoux, Group Vice President - Sign. As well as highlighting the improvements, he also explained how they contribute to Docusign’s broader vision: to “connect and automate” the entire agreement process to deliver speed, cost-efficiency, and a better experience for customers and employees.

To make this a reality, AI and other technologies are being integrated throughout the agreement lifecycle to build the Smart Agreement Cloud.

Delegates saw this in action for themselves when Levadoux demonstrated the Agreement Assistant. A customer sent through a draft contract and with one push of a button marked “Try It” an AI scanned the text and identified three clauses that were unlikely to get legal department approval. It also suggested ways to fix.

“And that’s just a small taste of where we’re headed in the future,” he said.

He also demonstrated the new Total Search feature, delivered in partnership with Seal Software, that helps companies search agreements both inside Docusign and in other repositories such as Box and SharePoint.

Another demo, by Mangesh Bhandarkar, Senior Director, Product Management, spotlighted Docusign Identify, which integrates ID verification technology into the Agreement Cloud. This is critical for a wide range of B2C applications including wire transfers, signing a mobile phone contract or loan agreement, and a wide range of tasks around employee onboarding.

A lesser-known feature, launched last year, allows users to use their phone to convert paper ID documents to a digital format.

Docusign Identify is an open system. An API that allows customers to integrate their own ID verification technology is currently available to the developer community.

Many of the upcoming enhancements are aimed at making life easier for admins, with Levadoux declaring: “Docusign loves our admins!”

Other enhancements, available now or in the pipeline, include:

  • Conditional recipients in Sign - this allows scheduled high-value purchase orders, for instance, to be routed to a VP instead of a manager (now available)
  • Scheduled routing - prepare your envelope ahead of time (in the pipeline)
  • Pausing the signature process to allow a “cooling off period” (also in the pipeline)
  • Bulk send with customisation (now available)
  • eWitness (witnessed agreements) - often required in the UK, this allows up to two witnesses to sign in a legal and confidential manner (now available)

Accessibility is important to Docusign and Bhandarkar outlined recent work to ensure Docusign is compliant with the WCAG2.0 accessibility guidelines not only for sending but also for signing. This ensures allowing anyone using technology such as specialised keyboards or screens to complete an envelope.

Docusign Agreement Cloud

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