
How HR Departments are Using Electronic Signatures

During the course of employment at any organisation, employees are regularly asked to sign and fill out internal documentation. This begins with the job offer (signing the employment contract) and continues throughout employment whether it IT policies, security policies, HR policies or sales compensation plans. These are just a few of the numerous bits of paperwork that has to be completed. And this typically is the domain of paper, post and/or email. However in the last few years organisations have started to think about making this process electronic and utilising electronic signature solutions to enable documents to be signed anywhere, anytime on any device via a few simple clicks of a mouse (or a tablet for that matter).


For those organisations that use electronic signature the benefits include a dramatic improvement in turnaround times. Imagine receiving your employment contract and being able to sign online as opposed to printing out and it posting back, thus helping to bring forward start dates and enabling the employee to give their notice to their current employer. After all, nobody gives notice until they have a signed employment contract from their new employees right?!

Further benefits includes the eradication of not in good order (incomplete or error strewn documents), improved visibility for the HR department that sends the documents and the ability to send automatic reminders to employees (gone are the days that the company IT security policy is buried under a ton of paperwork or cups of coffee on an employees desk). And lets not forget customer experience. As a prospective employee, if your on-boarding process is smooth and modern, you are going to turn up to work on day 1 with a really good feeling of the organisation.


We have customers from a wide variety of industries that use Docusign in their HR departments (many use in others including sales, procurement and IT). The wonder of Docusign is the ability to use in any department and in any type of organisation.


So why not add electronic signature to your existing HR systems?

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