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TrailheaDX goes virtual

Author Lauren Bolopue
Lauren BolopueLead Product Evangelist
Summary4 min read

On 6/23, Join us to learn how Docusign University (DSU) can help you build your skills and expertise in Docusign for Salesforce solutions.

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    TrailheaDX is Salesforce’s annual developer conference aimed at anyone that wants to learn and improve their Salesforce skills, and this year will not disappoint! Salesforce is bringing a completely reimagined, one-of-a-kind virtual experience across four broadcast channels on June 25, starting at 9 am PDT.

    These four channels will be role-based (Admin, Architect, Developer, and Entrepreneur)  episodes all filled with great content from Salesforce product experts. The full schedule has been posted and I am already wishing I had a cloning machine!

    In true Ohana style, the trailblazer community will be living it up on Twitter all week, and there are plenty of ways you can engage, learn, and immerse yourself in all things #TDX20 with user groups,  Salesforce Ohana Q&As , watch parties, happy hours, and many more events! 

    And because we at DocuSignAPI love our Trailblazer community so much, we are hosting a couple of fun sessions, not to mention that I get to participate in some cool events within the community. Let’s take a look and see what the week has in store!

    Tuesday 23rd

    10 AM PDT  Discovering Docusign University 

    Join us to learn how Docusign University (DSU) can help you build your skills and expertise in Docusign for Salesforce solutions. DSU offers a full suite of complimentary, self-paced courses, covering topics that range from Docusign eSignature for Salesforce to Docusign CLM for Salesforce to the Docusign APIs. Showcase your expertise by working your way through a Specialist pathway to earn your Docusign Specialist badge!

    11 Am PDT Salesforce Ohana Q&A - Trailheadx 2020 Edition

    Join us for a super spectacular Trailheadx 2020 pre-show event featuring amazing Salesforce Trailblazers who will share their personal experiences, wisdom, and secrets to success.

    Wednesday 24th 

    10 AM. PDST  Authentication with the Docusign Apex Toolkit

    Join our Docusign Engineers as they walk Docusign Apps Launcher users through the authorization process via Docusign OAuth using the getLoginUrl method.

    Thursday 25th 

    8 AM PDT TDX Watch Party and Bingo sponsored by Docusign!

    Whether we have been talking in the community for a while, meeting for a virtual coffee, or maybe you are a TDX Newbie like me, it doesn't matter; we are all Ohana!

    Join Ohana Coffee's TDX Watch Party, co-hosted by the Trailblazer community. Play a game of Bingo and meet fellow trailblazers, make new friends, and build your Ohana!Talk about anything and everything from TDX presentations, Salesforce to hobbies and favorite music; it's a great little check-in with the community. 

    All Ohana are welcome!

    9 AM PDT TrailheaDX

    Join the developer event of the year!

    TrailheaDX is a one-of-a-kind virtual experience that connects makers, builders, doers, and dreamers looking to improve their Salesforce skill set. This year’s event includes exciting new demos, customer testimonials, content episodes featuring the latest technology, Q&A with product experts, awesome networking opportunities, special announcements from Salesforce executives, and an unforgettable broadcast featuring a luminary speaker.

    It is definitely an exciting week! I cannot wait to connect with the Trailblazer community and learn some new things!

    Lauren Dunne

    Lauren Dunne is our Senior Salesforce Evangelist and self-confessed Salesforce geek! She has ten years of Salesforce expertise, and her past roles range from Solution Architect to “Admineloper.” She is a 2x Salesforce MVP and founder and host of Ohana Coffee, a global virtual meet-up. She even has a Salesforce tattoo!

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    Author Lauren Bolopue
    Lauren BolopueLead Product Evangelist

    Lauren Bolopue is our Lead Product Evangelist and self-confessed Salesforce geek! She has eleven years of Salesforce expertise, and five years of Docusign expertise, and her past roles range from Solution Architect to “Admineloper.” She is a Salesforce MVP alum and founder and host of Ohana Coffee, and Docusign Meetups global virtual meet-ups. She even has a Salesforce tattoo!

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