
Sealing the deal: How Docusign helps sales teams hit their targets

Summary3 min read

Sales teams can close more deals, faster, using tools like Docusign CLM and eSignature. Watch our demo video to see how easy it can be.

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Most businesses would grind to a halt if it weren’t for their hard-working sales teams. These teams shoulder some big, bottom-line responsibilities. Not only do they have to bring new customers through the door, week in, week out, but they also have to cross-sell, up-sell and generally nurture all their existing customer relationships, too. 

With so much on their plates, savvy sales teams are always on the look-out for smarter ways to operate, not to mention smarter ways to build and strengthen customer relationships. One tool that ticks both boxes is Docusign eSignature. 

With Docusign eSignature and an end-to-end contract management tool like Docusign CLM, sales teams can:

  • Close more deals, faster – at Salesforce, for example, sales reps are using Docusign across the sales contracting process. More than 90% of Salesforce contracts are completed within the same day, 71% within the hour.

  • Streamline internal sales processes – integrating and automating electronic signing with existing workflows helps save time and free up resources for growth.

  • Transform the customer experience – today’s customers expect easy, convenient processes. They don’t want to print, scan, post or fax contracts. 

To see just how easy and impactful eSignature can be, check out the demo video below.

The video demonstrates how Docusign helps sales teams tackle a common end-of-quarter scenario: hitting sales targets. As the end of the quarter draws near, the pressure mounts to close deals, fast. Speed is of the essence, and Docusign delivers.

Docusign eSignature integrates seamlessly with Salesforce, allowing sales teams to effortlessly merge customer, product and pricing data to generate sales documents without ever leaving Salesforce.

If you need to run the proposal past your legal or finance teams, lean on Docusign’s integration with Slack to quickly and easily send the contract out for collaboration and review.

Then, when it’s ready to go, you can send the contract to the customer – and get them to sign on the dotted line, digitally. If they’re slow to respond, you can set up automatic reminders via Slack or SMS. Not only do these prompts help you seal the deal, but because they’re automated, your time is freed up to focus on nurturing other customer relationships. 

When contracts get a little more complex, Docusign CLM helps sales teams navigate the maze with ease and speed. The tool can automate manual tasks, streamline the end-to-end contract lifecycle, and reduce risk. And you can generate, negotiate and store contracts with an added layer of smart data capture to make agreements more intelligent.

It’s all about simplifying the end-to-end agreement process, so sales reps can focus on higher value tasks – with more assurance that they’ll hit their end of month, quarter, or yearly targets.

Learn more about the benefits of Docusign for sales or talk to our sales team.

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