Bettina Becker

Bettina Becker

Sr. Language Manager

Bettina Becker has been with Docusign since 2016. She is our lead language specialist for German. Besides that, she works on a variety of projects, and she loves all her roles: linguist, translator, evangelist, manager, tester, advocate, supporter and negotiator.


Coding for the world, part 10: The one with the genders and pluralization

In this final post of her global coding series, Bettina Becker shares insights on handling translation issues that arise from differences in gender and plurals

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Coding for the world, part 10: The one with the genders and pluralization

In this final post of her global coding series, Bettina Becker shares insights on handling translation issues that arise from differences in gender and plurals

Bettina Becker

Bettina Becker

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