Sales Simplicity

Silver Partner
 Sales Simplicity for DocuSign eSignature
Sales Simplicity Users Can Access – At No Charge – An Electronic Signature System Valid on All Contracts & Legal Documents. With DocuSign, Sales Simplicity Goes Paperless From Options Selection to Contract Creation and Buyer Signoff. Customers Just Sign on Local iPads to Close the Sale.
Through its partnership with DocuSign, Sales Simplicity can manage the entire customer sales interaction, from prospect development and option selection, to customer sign-off on a final contact, through an entirely paperless process. The paperless process also extends to Sales Simplicity’s new CRM tools and their direct integration into Sales Simplicity’s multiple-award-winning, cloud-hosted sale-force-automation solutions.

About the partner 

Sales Simplicity Software, a MiTek® company, is the North American market share leader providing CRM and sales automation SaaS software to the residential home building market, serving both single family and multi-family builders.