SAI Global leverages DocuSign’s eSignature capabilities to help their customers meet important compliance requirements

SAI360® integrates with DocuSign® to provide electronic signature functionality, which enables you to streamline the manual processes that are associated with preparing, reviewing, and approving management plans, policies, artifacts and other documents that require a signature during a risk or compliance process. You no longer need to deal with printing, faxing, shipping, scanning, or emailing key artifacts that require a signature. Within a matter of minutes, the document can be electronically sent for review and signature, and all steps in the process remain secure, legal, and visible, with a complete audit trail.

Key Benefits

  • Legally comply with eSignature requirements established by regulations
  • Fully automate key compliance and risk processes requiring eSignatures
  • Reduce time and effort required to capture attestations by capturing them electronically in-line with the application
  • Capture a full audit trail of electronic signature status for easy reporting


Links to helpful one-pagers or your website where the customer can find more information

Learn more about Integrated Risk Management here -

Learn more about SAI Global at corporate website -


If you are interested in learning more, please contact