SAASPASS secures access to DocuSign with Multi-Factor Authentication together with Single Sign-On capability. SAML Protocol is used to delegate the authentication between DocuSign (as the Service Provider) and SAASPASS (as the IdP). SAASPASS has numerous login methods that can be deployed by an admin together with being centrally managed as a Directory or with AD integration.
Scan Barcode Login allows you to Scan an Encrypted QR Code with SAASPASS being a quick way to authenticate users to DocuSign.
Push Login allows users to log in to services and websites that produce are secured with SAASPASS by triggering a push approval request that is sent to their SAASPASS mobile app. Users login instantly to DocuSign after approving it.
Log in securely while your phone is Offline, by manually typing a One-Time Password supplementing static usernames and passwords. Users login instantly to Docusign after typing it in.
Proximity Login allows Secure Login between your device and DocuSign with BLE Proximity combining two-factor authentication with location-based iBeacon Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to let users authenticate via their mobile device's proximity to their computer. Proximity authenticates users to websites and applications and unlocks computers when integrated with SAASPASS Computer Login for Macs.
SAASPASS gives you the ability to integrate third-party FIDO/Hard Token/U2F tokens to secure access to DocuSign.
Key Features
• Meets all GDPR and DFARS NIST 800-171 MFA requirements (both online and offline)
• Secures Macs and PCs
• Single sign-on access to hundreds of enterprise applications (DocuSign, Salesforce, Office 365 etc.)
• Simple to implement
• Easy to use
• Scalable (pay for what you use)
• Reduces security complexity
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About the partner
SAASPASS is a San Francisco-based security and identity solution provider that aims to secure access to everything be it digital, be it physical!