DGDean provides end-to-end technology and digital project management services to fast growing start-ups.

Customer Testimonials

David Dean of DGDean has a preternatural ability to right-size every solution for every project. I have never worked with a CTO who better integrates the business mission with the technical solution.
I have said that many times and I have worked with more than a few. And will happily tell you more; all you have to do is give me a call. 

——Michael Loeb, Entrepreneur and CEO, Loeb Enterprises 

Loeb Enterprises and Loeb.nyc have partnered with DGDean for over 8 years. During this time, DGDean has successfully worked with us and our partner companies by providing technology services that leverage a multitude of Amazon Web Services offerings. From Network Operations, Web and Application Development, Data Processing, Augmented Reality Applications, and solutions that leverage Artificial Intelligence.

DGDean provides the right solutions, that are cost effective, secure and scale over time. We would recommend DGDean to any company planning to leverage AWS for their technology soltutions.

—Rich Vogel - COO/CFO Loeb Enterprises