Clause provides Connected Contracting® technology, enabling DocuSign users to add Smart Clause® templates to turn their contracts and documents into “living documents” that integrate with enterprise software systems and blockchain networks.

Clause is the leading provider of Connected Contracting® technology, enabling users to add Smart Clause® provisions to turn their existing legal agreements into “living documents” that integrate with enterprise software systems and blockchain networks. Companies in industries as diverse as manufacturing,  construction, supply chain, insurance, telecom, financial services, retail, and others can use Clause to automate compliance with legally binding contract obligations, reducing operating costs and minimizing revenue leakage. The Clause platform also provides real-time visibility about the contract performance of partners, suppliers, customers, and other counterparties. Connected Contracting functionality from Clause can be accessed via a web application or the Clause API. Clause is a DocuSign partner and its Smart Clause technology is a driver of the DocuSign Agreements Cloud. Clause also established the Accord Project with leading law firms, standards bodies, and technology organizations to develop the foundations of smart legal contracts and distributed ledger applications for transactions.

Key Benefits

  • Contract Performance: Automate strict compliance with precise details of contractual requirements
  • Workflow Efficiency: Auto pricing adjustments, data reconciliation, verifications, and other contract actions
  • Working Capital Improvements: Increase on-time receivables, meet obligations quicker, capture early payment discounts, enforce pricing and interest rate reductions for payables
  • Systems Consolidation: Reduce data silos and use fewer systems to perform contract obligations and related operations with connected contracts that integrate with the broader IT infrastructure
  • Risk Mitigation: More accurate projections with structured financial  and other data from contracts


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