AIRDOCS integrated with DocuSign provides a “best in class“ solution for the generation and distribution from any core business system delivering fast, efficient and secure multi-channel Digital Transactions.

AIRDOCS  in partnership with DocuSign has enabled organisations to reduce the internal friction & costs associated with manual paper/document processes by using AIRDOCS unique approach to the design, generation, tracking and distribution via our Multi-tenanted Communications Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) for multi channel customer communications such as contracts, service agreements, on-boarding, invoicing, statements and crisis communications.

Organisations today are looking to automate a range of manual business processes via Digital Transformation initiatives whether it is a point solution for a smaller business such as generating and delivering 500 contracts/agreements weekly, utilising DocuSign digital signatures and accessibility capabilities enabled for the visually impaired, 1000 personalised multi-channel invoices each month. The solution can also be used for the Enterprise size Health Insurance client delivering personalised & targeted notification of the governments rate rise creating a premium increase for their 1 million members - AIRDOCS does not discriminate on the size of the business process automation opportunity or the channel to create a memorable customer experience.

Key Benefits

  • Integration to any Core ERP, admin, accounting or CRM solution making AIRDOCS seamless to the user.
  • Accessibility on every communication especially for visual impaired clients using screen readers e.g. NVDA, JAWS.
  • Compliance with every interaction tracked and archived or connected back to CRM/Core systems.
  • Superior Customer experience delivering clear and concise personalisation and messaging.
  • Multi-channel generation and delivery to Print, Email, PDF, SMS & Archive.
  • Monthly subscription fee based on consumption - OpEx not CapEx.

Customer Testimonials

“The new DocuSign and AIRDOCS system means we can create and complete agreements in-person now, rather than printing all the documents out and taking them home. Agreements that previously took as long as six weeks to be organised can be finalised in a matter of minutes. That’s a win for us and it’s a win for our clients.”

RIDBC continues to focus on helping hearing and vision impaired children across Australia, even amidst enormous changes of our own. Not only are we dealing with the effects of a global pandemic, but we’re relocating from our home of more than 100 years, updating our brand, and implementing digitally transformation as well. The ability to make change at that scale as easy as possible is of the utmost importance. DocuSign, Airdocs, and TheFormsAgency are central to how we keep our technology as simple and effective as possible.”

Kristina Testore, Business Improvement Lead, Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC)

AIRDOCS RIDBC case study


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