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Cookie 聲明 | Cookie Notice

Check the Cookie Notice in English

最後更新時間:2022 年 05 月 13 日


本 Cookie 聲明說明 DocuSign, Inc.(下稱「Docusign」和「我們」)在您造訪我們的網站,例如下稱「網站」)時,如何使用 Cookie 和類似技術來識別您。其中說明這些技術為何,以及我們使用該等技術的原因,以及您控制我們使用該等技術的權利。

何謂 Cookie?

Cookie 是包含少量資訊的小型資料檔案,在您造訪網站時放置於您的電腦或行動裝置上。網站擁有者廣泛使用 Cookie,以便讓網站正常運作或更有效率地運作,並且提供報告資訊。Cookie 可協助我們記住您造訪我們網站的相關事項,例如您的慣用語言和其他選擇/設定,並且通常讓您更容易使用網站。也可能用於傳遞與您相關的廣告。

網站擁有者(在此處為 Docusign)所設定的 Cookie 稱為「第一方 Cookie」。非網站擁有者設定的 Cookie 稱為「第三方 Cookie」。第三方 Cookie 允許在網站上或透過網站凸顯第三方特性或提供其功能(尤其是廣告、互動内容和分析)。放置這些第三方 Cookie 的各方,可以在您造訪相關網站以及造訪特定其他網站時,識別您的電腦。

我們為何使用 Cookie?

我們使用第一方與第三方 Cookie 的原因有很多種。部分 Cookie 係出於技術原因之要求,以便我們的網站得以運作,而本公司將其稱為「必要性」或「絕對必要性」Cookie。我們使用這些必要性 Cookies 來:

  • 讓您登入我們的網站

  • 保護您的安全

  • 偵測並打擊垃圾郵件、濫用及其他違反 Docusign 使用者協議和條款的活動;以及

  • 驗證您對本網站的存取權限。

其他 Cookie 會記住您的瀏覽器和偏好設定的相關資訊。例如,Cookie 可幫助我們記住您的慣用語言或您所在的國家。如此一來,我們即可提供您偏好語言的資訊,而無需在您每次造訪我們的網站時向您提出詢問。

Cookies 也讓我們得以追踪和鎖定使用者的興趣,以提升我們網站的使用體驗。例如,這類 Cookie 可協助我們測試網站的不同版本,以瞭解使用者偏好哪種特定功能或內容。

為了幫助我們更加瞭解人們如何使用我們的網站,某些第三方透過我們的網站提供 Cookie 進行廣告、分析和其他目的。下文將就此進一步詳述。除了協助我們進行這些 Cookie 活動的服務供應商外,我們不會向任何第三方提供透過我們自己 Cookie 所蒐集的資訊。

下表說明透過我們網站提供的第一方和第三方 Cookie 類型及其執行目的:


Cookie 類型

誰提供這些 Cookie


嚴格必要性的 Cookie:為向您提供透過我們網站的服務及讓您得使用部分功能,例如存取安全區域,這些 Cookie 具有絕對必要性。


由於這些 Cookie 對於向您提供網站為絕對必要,因此您不得拒絕。不過,您可以變更瀏覽器設定以封鎖或刪除這些 Cookie,如下列「我如何控制 Cookie?」標題所述。

功能性 Cookie:這些 Cookie 用於提升我們網站的效能與功能,但對於使用而言並非必要。然而,若無這些 Cookie,某些功能(例如影片)可能會無法使用。



Eloqua (Oracle)

Heroku (Salesforce)





若欲在 Docusign 網站拒絕這些 Cookie,請依照以下「我如何控制 Cookie?」標題所述指示進行。

或者,有些第三方可讓您使用下列相關選擇退出連結來全面拒絕其 Cookie:


Eloqua (Oracle):

效能性 Cookie:這些 Cookie 所蒐集的資訊是以彙總形式使用,以助我們瞭解我們網站的使用方式,或瞭解行銷活動的成效,或幫助我們為您量身定做我們的網站。



Google Analytics




Piwik (Matomo)


若欲在 Docusign 網站拒絕這些 Cookie,請依照以下「我如何控制 Cookie?」標題所述指示進行。

或者,有些第三方可讓您使用下列相關選擇退出連結來全面拒絕其 Cookie:

Google Analytics:


目標式 Cookie:這些 Cookie 用於使廣告訊息更與您相關。它們執行防止同一廣告持續出現等功能,確保廣告商的廣告能正確顯示,有時還會基於您的興趣而選擇廣告。社群網路 Cookie(如 Facebook)透過第三方社群網路及其他網站,讓您可以分享您在我們網站覺得有趣的網頁與資訊。這些 Cookie 也可能用於廣告用途。



AdWords (Google) (Beeswax)

Bing (Microsoft)

Casale Media

Demandbase (ads)

DoubleClick (Google)


LeadLander (Upland Software)

LinkedIn (Microsoft)





PR Newswire (Cision)


Triple Lift



YouTube (Google)

若欲在 Docusign 網站拒絕這些 Cookie,請依照以下「我如何控制 Cookie?」標題所述指示進行。

或者,有些第三方可讓您使用下列相關選擇退出連結來全面拒絕其 Cookie:






Cookie 並非識別或追踪網站訪客的唯一方法。我們可能不時使用其他類似技術,例如網路信標(有時稱為「追踪像素」或「透明 gif」)。這些是微小的圖形檔案,其中包含獨一無二的識別碼,讓我們可以在有人造訪我們網站或打開我們發送的電子郵件時加以辨識。例如,這讓我們得以監控使用者從我們網站的一個頁面到另一個頁面的流量模式、使用 Cookie 進行傳送或溝通、瞭解您是否從第三方網站顯示的網路廣告來到我們網站、改善網站效能,以及衡量電子郵件行銷活動是否成功。在許多實例中,這些技術皆有賴 Cookie 才能正常運行,因此拒絕使用 Cookie 將有損功能的實現。

您是否使用 Flash Cookie 或本地共享對象?

我們的網站也會使用所謂的「Flash Cookie」(亦稱為「本地共享對象」或「LSO」)來蒐集和儲存有關您使用我們的服務、防止詐騙和用於其他網站運作的資訊。

如果您不希望將 Flash Cookie 儲存在您的電腦,您可使用網站儲存設定面板包含的工具,調整 Flash Player 的設定以封鎖儲存 Flash Cookie。您也可以前往「全球儲存設定面板」並依照指示控制 Flash Cookie;該指示可能包括說明,例如如何刪除現存的 Flash Cookie(指在 Macromedia 網站上的「資訊」)、如何防止 Flash LSO 在未詢問您的情況下被放置於您的電腦,以及(針對 Flash Player 8 及更新版本)如何封鎖您當時所在頁面非由操作者傳送的 Flash Cookie。

請注意,設定 Flash Player 限制或有限接收 Flash Cookie,可能會降低或妨礙某些 Flash 應用程式的功能,可能包括在使用上與我們服務或網路内容相關的 Flash 應用程式。


第三方可能會在您的電腦或行動裝置上放置 Cookie,透過我們的網站投送廣告。這些公司可能會使用您造訪本網站和其他網站的相關資訊,提供您可能感興趣的產品和服務相關廣告。他們也可能採用可用以衡量廣告效果的技術。為提供您可能感興趣的產品與服務的相關廣告,他們使用 Cookie 或網路信標蒐集您造訪此網站及其他網站的資訊來完成此目標。經由此程序所蒐集的資訊,除非您選擇提供,否則我們或他們皆無法辨識您的姓名、詳細聯絡資訊或其他個人身分資訊。


我如何控制 Cookie?

您有權決定是否接受或拒絕 Cookie。您可以在 Docusign Cookie 偏好中心點選此處 here,行使您對 Docusign 網站特定的 Cookie 偏好設定。您也可以隨時點選任何 Docusign 網站頁面底部的「Cookie 設定」連結進入 DocusSign Cookie 偏好中心。您在 Docusign Cookie 偏好中心所設定的個人 Cookie 偏好,將僅限 Docusign 網站上的第一方和第三方 Cookie,且必須在存取 Docusign 網站所用的每個裝置設定。

為行使您就第三方 Cookie 的偏好設定,您可以點選以上 Cookie 表格所提供的相應選擇退出連結。

您可以設定或修改您的網頁瀏覽器控制項,以接受或拒絕 Cookie。如果您選擇拒絕 Cookie,您仍可在存取我們網站的某些功能和區域時使用我們的網站。您透過網頁瀏覽器控制來拒絕 Cookie 的方式,會因不同的瀏覽器而有所不同,所以您應該造訪瀏覽器的說明功能表以取得更多資訊。

此外,大多數廣告網路會為您提供退出目標式廣告的方法。如果您想瞭解更多資訊,請造訪。有關 Cookies 的更多資訊,包括如何查看在您的裝置上所設置的 Cookies 以及如何管理和删除,請造訪


本 Cookie 聲明多久會更新一次?

我們可能會不時更新本 Cookie 聲明,藉此反映我們所使用 Cookie 的變更,或因應其他營運、法律或監管原因。如有任何變更,我們將透過在我們網站發布新的政策並告知新的生效日期來通知您。如果我們對本政策做出重大變更,我們將採取合理措施,提前通知您預計進行的變更。

本 Cookie 聲明最上方日期,即最近一次更新日期。


如果您對我們使用 Cookie 或其他技術有任何疑問,請傳送電子郵件至 Privacy@docusign.com與我們聯絡。

1. Cookie Notice

Version Date: May 13, 2022 

This Cookie Notice explains how DocuSign, Inc. (“Docusign", "we", "us", and "ours") use cookies and similar technologies to recognise you when you visit our websites, such as,,"Website").  It explains what these technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our use of them.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files containing small amounts of information that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website.  Cookies are widely used by website owners in order to make their websites work, or to work more efficiently, as well as to provide reporting information. Cookies help us to remember things about your visit to our Website, such as your preferred language and other choices/settings and generally make the site easier for you to use.  They may also be used to deliver advertisements that are relevant to you.

Cookies set by the website owner (in this case, Docusign) are called "first party cookies".  Cookies set by parties other than the website owner are called "third party cookies". Third party cookies enable third party features or functionality to be provided on or through the website (in particular like advertising, interactive content and analytics). The parties that set these third party cookies can recognise your computer both when it visits the website in question and also when it visits certain other websites.

Why do we use cookies?

We use first party and third party cookies for several reasons. Some cookies are required for technical reasons in order for our Websites to operate, and we refer to these as "essential" or "strictly necessary" cookies. We use these essential Cookies to:

  • log you into our Website

  • to protect your security

  • detect and fight spam, abuse and other activities that violate Docusign’s user agreements and term; and

  • to authenticate your access to the Website.

Other cookies remember information about your browser and your preferences.  For example, cookies help us remember your preferred language or the country that you are in. We can then provide you with content in your preferred language without having to ask you each time you visit our Websites.

Cookies also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our Websites.   For example, these types of cookies help us test different versions of our Websites to see which particular features or content users prefer.

To help us better understand how people use our Websites, certain third parties serve cookies through our Websites for advertising, analytics and other purposes.  This is described in more detail below. We don’t release the information collected from our own cookies to any third parties, other than to our service providers who assist us in these cookie activities.

The specific types of first and third party cookies served through our Websites and the purposes they perform are described in the table below:


Types of cookie

Who serves these cookies

How to refuse

Strictly Necessary cookies:These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms.    You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but some parts of the site will not then work. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.


Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the Websites to you, you cannot refuse them. You can block or delete them by changing your browser settings however, as described below under the heading "How can I control cookies?".

Functional cookies:These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages.    If you do not allow these cookies then some or all of these services may not function properly.



Eloqua (Oracle)

Heroku (Salesforce)





To refuse these cookies on Docusign’s Websites only, please follow the instructions below under the heading "How can I control cookies?"

Alternatively, some third parties allow you to refuse their cookies universally by using the relevant opt-out link below:


Eloqua (Oracle):

Performance cookies:These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site.    All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. If you do not allow these cookies we will not know when you have visited our site, and will not be able to monitor its performance.



Google Analytics




Piwik (Matomo)


To refuse these cookies on Docusign’s Websites only, please follow the instructions below under the heading "How can I control cookies?"

Alternatively, some third parties allow you to refuse their cookies universally by using the  relevant opt-out link below:

Google Analytics:


Targeting cookies:These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites.    They do not store directly personal information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. If you do not allow these cookies, you will experience less targeted advertising.



AdWords (Google) (Beeswax)

Bing (Microsoft)

Casale Media

Demandbase (ads)

DoubleClick (Google)


LeadLander (Upland Software)

LinkedIn (Microsoft)





PR Newswire (Cision)



Triple Lift



YouTube (Google)

To refuse these cookies on Docusign’s Websites only, please follow the instructions below under the heading "How can I control cookies?"

Alternatively, some third parties allow you to refuse their cookies universally by using the relevant opt-out link below:

Network Advertising Initiative:

Digital Advertising Alliance:

European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance:


What about other tracking technologies, like web beacons?

Cookies are not the only way to recognise or track visitors to a website.  We may use other, similar technologies from time to time, like web beacons (sometimes called "tracking pixels" or "clear gifs").  These are tiny graphics files that contain a unique identifier that enable us to recognise when someone has visited our Websites or opened an e-mail that we have sent them.  This allows us, for example, to monitor the traffic patterns of users from one page within our Websites to another, to deliver or communicate with cookies, to understand whether you have come to our Websites from an online advertisement displayed on a third-party website, to improve site performance, and to measure the success of e-mail marketing campaigns.  In many instances, these technologies are reliant on cookies to function properly, and so declining cookies will impair their functioning.

Do you use Flash cookies or Local Shared Objects?

Our Websites also use so-called "Flash Cookies" (also known as Local Shared Objects or "LSOs") to, among other things, collect and store information about your use of our services, fraud prevention and for other site operations.

If you do not want Flash Cookies stored on your computer, you can adjust the settings of your Flash player to block Flash Cookies storage using the tools contained in the Website Storage Settings Panel. You can also control Flash Cookies by going to the Global Storage Settings Panel and following the instructions (which may include instructions that explain, for example, how to delete existing Flash Cookies (referred to "information" on the Macromedia site), how to prevent Flash LSOs from being placed on your computer without your being asked, and (for Flash Player 8 and later) how to block Flash Cookies that are not being delivered by the operator of the page you are on at the time).

Please note that setting the Flash Player to restrict or limit acceptance of Flash Cookies may reduce or impede the functionality of some Flash applications, including, potentially, Flash applications used in connection with our services or online content.

Do you serve targeted advertising?

Third parties may serve cookies on your computer or mobile device to serve advertising through our Websites. These companies may use information about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide relevant advertisements about goods and services that you may be interested in. They may also employ technology that is used to measure the effectiveness of advertisements. This can be accomplished by them using cookies or web beacons to collect information about your visits to this and other sites in order to provide relevant advertisements about goods and services of potential interest to you. The information collected through this process does not enable us or them to identify your name, contact details or other personally identifying details unless you choose to provide these.

Please note that to the extent advertising technology is integrated into our Website, you may still receive advertising content even if you opt-out of targeted advertising.  In that case, the advertising content will just not be tailored to your interests.

How can I control cookies?

You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cookies.  You can exercise your cookie preferences specific to Docusign Websites in the Docusign Cookie Preference Center by clicking here. You can also access the Docusign Cookie Preference Center at any time by clicking the “Cookie Settings” link at the bottom of any Docusign Website page. Your personal cookie preferences set in the DocuSign Cookie Preference Center will be limited to first and third party cookies on Docusign Websites only, and must be set for each device used to access Docusign Websites.

You can exercise your preferences with some third party cookies by clicking on the appropriate opt-out links provided in the cookie table above.

You can set or amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies. If you choose to reject cookies, you may still use our website though your access to some functionality and areas of our website may be restricted.   As the means by which you can refuse cookies through your web browser controls vary from browser-to-browser, you should visit your browser's help menu for more information.

In addition, most advertising networks offer you a way to opt out of targeted advertising.  If you would like to find out more information, please visit or For further information on cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, visit

We do not control any of the above opt-out links and are not responsible for any choices you make using these mechanisms or the continued availability or accuracy of these mechanisms.

How often will you update this Cookie Notice?

We may update this Cookie Notice from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to the cookies we use or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Policy on our Website with a new effective date. If we make a material change to this Policy, we will take reasonable steps to notify you in advance of the planned change.

The date at the top of this Cookie Notice indicates when it was last updated.  

Where can I get further information?

If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other technologies, please email us at