Live from Momentum: Highlights from the opening keynote

A slew of new product launches and a commitment to customer success in Europe - two of the pledges made by CEO Dan Springer as he took to the stage for today’s Momentum London 2019.

For the hundreds of customers and partners in the audience, it was a chance to hear direct from the top of Docusign about the Docusign Agreement Cloud and how it can help accelerate a wider digital transformation inside a business.

“This is the right opportunity, and it is the right time,” he said.

Springer explained that the Docusign Agreement Cloud was born out of the customer need to bring together agreements that were scattered across cloud-based systems used by sales, HR, procurement, and more.

“We go to our customers and we say where do you want to have your agreement processes? Which of them does it align with? And the answer is: all of them.”

“We believe every organisation will need an Agreement Cloud to connect and automate agreements across other clouds,” Springer said.

The Momentum London keynote room session was standing room only. Area Vice President, Commercial Sales EMEA, Violeta Martin, said: “Last year we had standing room only for the keynote. So we decided to move the conference to a much larger venue. So to come back and see a room again completely full of our customers, it is very special.”

Springer’s themes will be echoed and elaborated throughout the day of panels, presentations and workshops by Docusign executives and customers. A whole floor of the 133 Houndsditch building in the historic City of London has been turned over to the event, and it is now teeming with the delegates - more than 1,100 of which registered to attend - with floor-to-ceiling digital screens for the presentations and banks of laptops for hands-on sessions.

The event is the largest ever Momentum London.

As more companies realise the strategic imperative behind the Docusign Agreement Cloud, Docusign is growing fast.

However, Springer said: “We measure our success as a company not by how much revenue we have, or how many customers, but by whether our customers are successful.”

To underline this, the growth number given the most attention by CEO Springer was in the company’s customer success organisation, now amounting to around 30% of the company’s staff. This year more than 100 will be on the ground in Europe, who can also draw on expertise and resources from colleagues around the globe.

Earlier Scott Olrich, COO, explained some of the strategic thinking behind the Docusign Agreement Cloud and how Docusign came to identify a huge unmet need among businesses to prepare, sign, act on and manage their agreements.

“Every company has a system of agreement whether they know it or not,” he said. “The problem is that those Systems of Agreement have not been modernised for the speed of today’s business.”

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