3 Law Firms Making the Case for Electronic Signature

Law firms can sign or request electronic signatures online in minutes.

In an industry where large volumes of documents are exchanged, law firms are seeking innovative ways to streamline their paper processes. Electronic signature is one such technology being rapidly adopted. It combats the incumbent process of faxing, emailing, printing and scanning paper documents. After all, there are more pressing matters than tracking down a client to sign a document.

So, what’s behind the uptake?

While the benefits of increased efficiency, enforceability and visibility are key factors, customer experience is the main reason for the law profession going digital. In today’s competitive market law firms are focused on delivering an excellent client service, and clients expect the simplicity and suitability of digital signatures.

Raising the bar with electronic signature

The customer experience you provide can differentiate you from the competition. It provides an advantage that can encourage consideration and bolster loyalty. There is an opportunity therefore, particularly within the legal industry that has traditionally been resistant to change, for firms to set themselves apart while others stand still. Here are three firms doing just that.

1. Linklaters

London-based firm Linklaters is offering clients the opportunity to electronically sign documents directly from their smartphone, tablet or desktop. The goal is to enhance the client experience by making document signing faster, easier, more convenient and secure, to great avail:

“Client feedback has been extremely positive, both in respect of the speedier and more convenient alternative to traditional methods that this provides and in relation to the security that the technology affords with an audit trail that captures who signed what, when and where for every transaction.”

Docusign offers the strongest levels of legal enforceability for eSignatures on a global scale.

2. Ellis Jones

The Dorset and Hampshire firm adopted electronic signature and now completes 45% of its transactions in under six hours. Its customer, Tim Morris, Managing Director of Spotless Water Ltd, is experiencing the benefits:

“We’ve worked with Ellis Jones on a number of matters in the last year and using Docusign has been great. It has made getting multiple signatures on complex deals easy while ensuring that nothing is missed. The whole process of completing deals has been smoother and more relaxed than with traditional signing. I spend a lot of time on the road or in London and historically signing agreements has been a real inconvenience for me so I am really pleased that Ellis Jones have taken this step. It’s great to work with lawyers who ‘get’ technology and are genuinely interested in improving the experience for their customers.”

Streamline your contracting processes with eSignature so you can focus on serving your clients.

3. Cederquist

In Sweden, Cederquist rolled out eSignature with the goal of becoming more customer-oriented. Tone Myhre-Jensen, Managing Partner at Cederquist, says:

“We recognise the importance of developing methods where we focus our efforts on the right things and simplify cumbersome processes. To achieve this we constantly need to evolve and create new and more efficient ways of working... We are convinced that it will ease the work process for our customers as well as for us, and I am excited to introduce this in our daily work.”

With electronic signature, you can manage all of your contracts from once central location.

Keep them coming back for more

Speed counts when you’re solving customer problems. Your clients lead a mobile lifestyle and expect to access documents and systems on any device. By making it easier for clients to work with your firm, you immediately increase client satisfaction.

While the legal profession can be risk averse and is still largely reliant on paper processes, lawyers are beginning to realise the impact that technologies like electronic signature can have. That’s because all current customer experience best practices roll up into one profound conclusion: when you delight customers, they’ll reward you with positive reviews and, ultimately, more business.

See how Docusign eSignature improves customer experience, maximises ROI, and ensures compliance in law firms and legal departments.

Electronic signature technology helps you streamline processes and improve client satisfaction while satisfying enforceability.


1) https://www.accenture.com/_acnmedia/PDF-10/Accenture-Strategy-GCPR-Digital-Profitabilty.pdf

2) https://www.forrester.com/report/Reinvent+Customer+Experience/-/E-RES81221

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