2019 and the new ‘tech’ you

At Docusign, we're keen to connect talented professionals with an offer to become a part of an exciting movement to remove paper from business.

There’s nothing quite like a new year to ignite thoughts of a new career.

The first couple of months of a new year are hiring prime time; hiring managers often have their budgets and headcounts for the year ahead and the recruitment world jumps into action. Combine that with the mindset of a New Year’s resolution and a commitment to make change, and the timing can be perfect for jumping to that career you’ve had in your sights.

Increasingly for many that’s a career in IT. The tech world is heating up year after year, with new innovations changing the business and personal worlds we live in. The opportunity to become part of the front line of transformation can be a thrilling prospect. Imagine being on the team that successfully used AI to accelerate the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s by an average of six years, for example?

At Docusign, we too start looking closely at the market at this time of year to connect talented professionals with an offer to become a part of an exciting movement to remove paper from business. In doing so, we’re transforming the way companies manage the most critical part of what they do – the business agreement. And, we’re creating a more sustainable future to boot! (Alongside Dr. Jane Goodall at the WEF in Davos last month our CEO Dan Springer unveiled a $1.5 million initiative: #DocuSignForForests aimed at protecting our world's forests).

Sold? Then, how can you go about getting on the tech bandwagon?

Start by hunting down those job boards for the companies you most admire. Our careers page is here.

But, don’t stop there. If you’re serious about a company, it’s a good idea to go where they are and interact with them in person. For example, Docusign regularly advertises its community events on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, along with its presence at various events throughout the year – it’s well worth following the companies you are keen to explore on social media. And, a passing visit to the Docusign stand at an event can yield plenty, in terms of information about the company, culture and what to expect from a role here.

What if I don’t have the right experience?

At Docusign we have a Recruitment team ready and available for you to speak with in case you aren’t sure of the value of your qualifications or practical experience against a specific role. It’s always worth enquiring, versus assuming you don’t meet all criteria.

How do I know if the time is really right?

We get it; a career move isn’t something to be taken lightly. However, tech is a big space, filled with opportunity and plenty to explore. So, starting sooner rather than later is a good idea.  Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up to date, list your specific likes and strengths in advance, making it easier for recruiters like ours to talk you through upcoming roles, and where you could take your career.

If you’re ready for a new career in tech, why not take the first step by reaching out to Docusign’s career team via the link below?

At Docusign we have a Recruitment team ready and available for you to speak with in case you aren’t sure of the value of your qualifications or practical experience against a specific role. It’s always worth enquiring, versus assuming you don’t meet all criteria.
