Canada Digital Day On-Demand Webinar Series

5 sessions on better ways businesses can operate remotely

Docusign Canada recently held its first Digital Day webinar series to help address questions and challenges companies are facing amid COVID-19. A large number of organizations in Canada and around the world have turned to Docusign to help bridge distances and accelerate digital transformation. From hiring to closing deals, these five sessions will show you how your business can clear the barriers to remote operations and position yourself for continued success.

We're happy to make these helpful Digital Day sessions available to you on-demand. Watch anytime.


Below you'll find expanded details of each session. Choose from HR, Sales, Legal, and general business challenges created by working remotely.

From eSignature to Contract Lifecycle Management: How Docusign fuels digital transformation

Digital transformation is an imperative that has proven how crucial it is in a time of crisis. Organizations are having to quickly adopt solutions to keep business moving.

See how Docusign is helping companies in Canada and across the globe with technologies to prepare, position and adapt to overcome current challenges, and ones we will inevitably face in the future.


  • How companies use electronic signature in their digital transformation
  • Key steps for a 100% automated agreement process
  • Benefits the most innovative brands are seeing in modernizing their systems of agreement
  • How creating digital channels benefits you and your customers


Digitize your entire HR process, from hire to retire

In the past months, remote hiring has become common, but agreement management for many HR teams operating remotely has been a challenge. Amid recent disruptions, which forced many employees to work from home, Docusign is ready to help with proven HR solutions for a distributed workforce.

In this webinar, see how organizations use Docusign Agreement Cloud for HR to keep documents organized, easily located, and fully compliant so that work location doesn’t impact your ability to hire the best talent, onboard employees with ease, and keep business moving as usual.

Hear about:

  • Trends impacting HR teams of all sizes
  • Benefits of integrating Docusign with your existing HR systems, thanks to 350+ integrations with SuccessFactors, Oracle HCM, Workday and much more
  • A live demo featuring the Docusign Agreement Cloud for HR
  • Competitive advantage of a fully digital experience to in-demand candidates


How to enable sales to close deals remotely

With the world working from home, it doesn’t mean business has to stop. Docusign can help your sales teams continue to achieve targets and grow the business.

Docusign has been supporting sales organizations adapt to distance by enabling remote contract signing. In this webinar, we outline the solutions helping sales teams with new norms by bridging the distance between sales reps and their clients with simple, always-on signing options.

Learn to:

  • Prepare and negotiate agreements from your CRM in just a few clicks
  • Close up to 90% of deals within the same day and 71% within the first hour
  • Reduce human errors while improving security and compliance
  • Stay competitive by making it easy for customers to do business with you


Everything you need to know about electronic signature in Canada: ROI, legality, usage

Across Canada, organizations in all industries are leveraging eSignature to comply with physical distancing rules. The ability to complete agreements remotely has allowed a large number of businesses to stay operational, no matter the type of documents they need to sign.

This webinar covers all you need to know about using e-signatures in your organization, their legal and binding status in Canada, and the ROI to your business.


  • How to save up to $51 per document by going paperless
  • The legality of electronic signature across Canada and beyond
  • Examples of use cases and integration of Docusign eSignature
  • Better customer experience through digital channels


Adapt your manual legal processes for remote working

Contract management is at the heart of your in-house legal team and a key component of your digital transformation. As a paper-heavy department, remote work has highlighted the need for legal departments to improve contract management efficiencies and lower costs. Both can be achieved by digitally transforming the contract management process to improve agreement turnaround time, with lower risk and full compliance.

This Digital Day webinar outlines how digitizing legal workflows eliminates reliance on manual, paper-based processes, reduces errors, secures documents throughout signing routes, and enables more cost effective departmental operations.


  • Digitization examples of key legal workflows
  • Gains in productivity, from small business to multinational corporations
  • How to improve security and compliance in your processes


Contact us anytime for more information