#IAgreeTo focus on the positives during a challenging year

2020 is the year the world stood still. Lives have been turned upside down, both professionally and personally; and the incessant stream of negative news has left us all feeling a little bleak. To cheer everyone up, we are proud as punch to launch a new video that shares inspirational stories from some remarkable Aussies.

Our goal with this video is simple. We want to put a smile on your face and help you find hope and positivity amidst the madness of a global pandemic. Watch it now, and then read on to find out why and how we made it.

Sharing stories of hope

It’s not all doom and gloom this year. There are so many positive stories emerging – from spending more time at home with family, to cooking elaborate dishes you’ve always drooled over. People are reconnecting with distant friends via Zoom, and many are recalibrating their goals and priorities in life.

Our video sets out to capture some of these stories. We called on some inspirational Australians from all walks of life (as well as our own CEO, Dan Springer) and asked them about their experiences during the pandemic. The people in the video are but a snapshot, providing a glimpse into how Aussies of all cultures and backgrounds are cracking on with things in the face of extraordinary global events.

For example, as you will have seen in the video above, Jamie Durie has finally found the time to build his own garden at home. He has also learnt to trust his team and their work ethic, no matter where they are working. David Koch has discovered that Australians are incredibly flexible, able to change work habits overnight.

And what about Docusign CEO Dan Springer’s comment about forging new connections with his sons? Not a dry eye in the Docusign house.

Thanks to the stars of the show

It was fantastic to see such a diverse cross-section of Australians put their hands up for this video. Huge thanks to the stars of the show:

  • Adele Barbaro – Founder of Feminae Beverage Co / Blogger
  • Kate Ceberano – Singer
  • Jamie Durie – Founder of Durie Design and TV presenter
  • David Koch – Business owner and TV presenter
  • Russell Smith – Founder of Building Bridges
  • Anthony Svirskis – CEO at TRIBE
  • Alyce Tran – Co-Founder of The Daily Edited and In The Roundhouse

These guys all generously shared their time and their messages of hope via Zoom, and the legends at Flourish PR put the piece together for us. We’re super proud of the end result, and hope that you love it too.

Looking ahead

As Dan Springer said about the pandemic, “It’s nothing our human spirit can’t overcome. If we work effectively together, this is something we’re going to kick.” For Kate Ceberano, who has seen her year’s work dry up, the message is simple. “Stay strong and hang in there.”

The question is, what will you now agree to? Please share your stories of hope and positivity on social media with the hashtag #iagreeto – we look forward to hearing from you.





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