Use cases: Docusign transforms the customer experience

In today’s fast-paced world, customer experience is all about reaching your customers on the channels they prefer, and delivering a convenient, personalised and simple service. This applies to every touchpoint a customer has with your business. One that often gets overlooked? The agreement process.

Getting contracts and agreements signed the traditional way can be a pain in the proverbial for all involved. Paper-based processes – which are often time-consuming and error-prone – can leave a bad taste in prospective customers’ mouths, particularly if you are asking them to print, sign, scan and post documents back and forth. These days, customers expect more. Or, should we say, less. Less handling of paper, less time wasted.

As the five use cases below demonstrate, it’s possible to significantly improve the customer experience when it comes to signing on the dotted line.

For Canva, beautiful design begins with a contract

Canva is an international success story. The digital design powerhouse has gone from strength to strength, thanks in no small part to its commitment to exceptional customer service.

Canva’s Enterprise sales team saw that its contracts were difficult for customers to complete, so it transformed the process using Docusign for Salesforce. In doing so, it has streamlined the customer experience through cloud-based agreement management. Now, contracts are dispatched and completed from mobile devices, with the ability to request and confirm changes on the spot. If a prospective customer requests an edit to their contract during the sales process, it can be done fast, from anywhere.

As Tiffany Tai, General Manager of Enterprise, Partnerships and BizOps at Canva explains, “We want every solution that our company uses to be simple and streamlined, just like Canva. That’s true for the tools that our team uses internally, but it’s also essential for our customers. Anything customer-facing needs to have the same simple, easy to use experience as our product.”

For Harris Real Estate, exceptional customer experience is the clincher

Harris Real Estate is an industry success story, having grown to 150 employees and five offices in eight years. Co-owner Tom Hector attributes much of the company’s success to its delivery of exceptional customer service supported by technology.

Hector says agencies must have a value proposition that keeps customers coming back. Two key ingredients? Speed and convenience. “We are using Docusign to meet these expectations. Most people are time poor and coming in to sign documents or printing and scanning them at home represents a poor experience for them. Not to mention that, if we were to send out a contract by email or post, we would have no way of knowing whether it had been received.”

Always looking for ways to improve the customer experience and sell more houses faster, Harris was quick to adopt Docusign when it was integrated with REI Forms Live – fundamentally changing the speed and ease of property engagements. Now, Harris agents can instantly prepare, sign and send contracts electronically from any device.

For Adecco, a simplified process makes all the difference

For recruitment company Adecco Group, modernising the way agreements are prepared, signed, enacted and managed was essential. In Asia Pacific alone, the company processes thousands of agreements each week. These include a variety of contracts, but mainly service agreements with clients for permanent placement, temporary staffing and business process outsourcing services, as well as employment agreements with personnel seconded to their clients.

In the past, the manual process wasted time and resources. There was also an unacceptable cost associated with storing paper-based contracts for seven years, based on the Adecco Group’s internal policies. The Adecco Group felt strongly that eliminating the inefficiency and frustration surrounding agreements would not only benefit employees, but also clients.

“As we compete to deliver service excellence to our clients and fill urgent temp positions, speed is critical. That’s why we’ve used Docusign not only as an electronic signature solution but as a way to modernise our business and accelerate our entire agreement process,” says Carlos Estrada Head of Legal, Compliance & Special Projects, APAC The Adecco Group.

For the Municipal Association of Victoria, it’s a case of keeping up

The Municipal Association of Victoria has realised significant time and cost savings by switching to Docusign. But it’s not just about these measurable benefits – it’s a matter of remaining relevant to constituents.

“The digitisation of local government is critically important,” says Cameron Spence, Manager of Commercial Services, Municipal Association of Victoria. “Efficiency is a key driver, but we also have stakeholders who want to engage digitally with councils just as they do with their banks or other service providers. Currently, many council services are only available in-person between nine and five which is counterintuitive to the way most people live their lives.”

For Tourism Australia, the employee experience is just as important

Docusign has helped Tourism Australia close the loop on automation, from procurement to payment. For employees, it means they can sign electronically from wherever they are – whether it’s an airport lounge in Beijing or at home on their day off. This convenience, along with automated reminders that are in-built the Docusign platform – has seen most contracts being finalised in 48 hours as opposed to two weeks.

For country managers, the admin burden has significantly reduced. In the past, they would handle each contract an average of eight times. The number of touchpoints is now down to three. “Docusign has completely removed all of the paper pushing and chasing for signatures and people are able to focus on what matters,” says Schalk van der Westhuizen, Chief Financial Officer, Tourism Australia

When it comes to agreements, could you transform your customer experience?

Giving your customers, suppliers, partners and employees the ability to sign from anywhere is a game-changer. Particularly if signing a contract is one of the first (of hopefully many) interactions they will have with your business.

If you’d like to learn more about how Docusign can help you streamline and improve the signing experience for your organisation, contact our sales team.
