Make people your priority, not paperwork

HR peeps, 2020 is your year to shine. As new research from Forrester shows, there’s a huge opportunity to improve processes and free up time so you can focus on what really matters: your people.

All it takes is a few tweaks to the way you engage with prospective and current employees, and you could slash the time taken to complete offer letters by 80% and save over $65 per document (as global tech company Salesforce has done).

The cost of paperwork

In our new eBook for HR professionals, People not Paperwork, we look at the impact that slow, paper-based processes are having on the bottom line. Most tellingly, 29% of companies say they are losing candidates due to inefficient, manual agreement processes. Missing out on top talent simply because you’re printing out forms instead of emailing digital agreements is an easy fix.

Another sobering statistic? HR is lagging behind other departments when it comes to digitisation of agreement processes – with only 29.6% of processes digital, compared with 36.8% in Legal, 38.1% in Sales and up to 40% in Procurement. Room for improvement abounds.

Why bother going digital?

Apart from the fact that they are lagging behind other departments, there are three compelling reasons why HR departments should be focusing their efforts on improving the hire-to-retire experience by automating key agreements.

By going digital, you will:

  1. Become more efficient – free up your HR team’s time to focus on hiring, retaining and developing talent. In other words, do what you’re meant to do best.
  2. Improve the recruitment and retention experience – today’s candidates don’t want to deal with printing and scanning documents. Nor do your employees every time they change roles or update their employment contract.
  3. Mitigate the risk of errors – paper-based agreements are notoriously error-prone. By switching to digital, errors are picked up instantly and can be rectified before the signer hits ‘send’.

Think of all the HR agreements you can improve

From talent acquisition and onboarding to employee retention and off-boarding, there are many agreements in HR that are ripe for improvement. All these agreements need to be prepared by someone in your HR team, signed by multiple parties, acted on and then managed accordingly.

As the eBook reveals, the Docusign Agreement Cloud for HR makes it incredibly easy to prepare, sign, act on and manage your HR agreements. It’s all about saving time, reducing errors, increasing compliance and ultimately improving the candidate and employee experience – so you can focus on your people, not on paperwork.

Download the eBook now

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