e-Rewards Market Research is a leading by-invitation-only online research panel provider, serving over 2000 research firms. e-Rewards banks its success on the relationships 
it develops with new clients looking to tap into its highly regarded survey results.

Business Challenge 

Each month, approximately 2200 contracts from North America, EMEA and Asia- Pacific stream into e-Rewards. Simple and straightforward, e-Rewards contracts were traditionally delivered and returned via fax. Director of e-Rewards Core Initiatives, Frank Levell, and his team learned that although e-Rewards contracts were not considered complicated by customers, the turnaround for receiving signed contracts was still lengthy. Sales staff were required to manually track and follow-up with clients to ensure signed contracts were received in order to commence the project. Once received, the accounting staff spent considerable time managing the faxes and manually distributing faxed contracts to appropriate stakeholders. Levell and his team knew that the longer it took to execute an agreement with a client, the more time until that client’s project would launch, pushing out schedules. “In our industry, getting market research projects in the field quickly is paramount. We are continually looking at ways to shave time off our end-to-end cycle time and enhance our client engagement experience at every touch point,“ said Steve Davis, e-Rewards executive vice president and chief operating officer. “With the DocuSign electronic signature service, we reduced our cycle time, projects are scheduled sooner and most importantly, our client’s love the solution.” Davis asked Levell to investigate a migration to a digital platform using electronic signatures which would eliminate the firm’s reliance on the traditional paper, sign and- fax process.

DocuSign Solution 

After careful consideration, e-Rewards selected DocuSign due to enhanced usability and heightened security. DocuSign partnered with e-Rewards to successfully streamline their contract process by seamlessly integrating with e-Rewards’ customer relationship management (CRM) platform, Salesforce. By integrating with Salesforce, DocuSign provides a complete e-signature solution.